Stitch Pressers on the Flat Knitting Machines

     The Stitch Pressers, as well the needle bed, (the steel plate), the stitch motors, needle brakage switches, selection bobbins  are being placed on the carriage of the machine.
    The stitch pressers are being controlled by the stitch pressers motor (KCXH 0006 , KCXH 0705,  KCXH 0202)  as well by the stitch pressers sensor (KCXJ0005).
For the formation of the required creation on the STOLL CMS  and SHIMA SEIKI knitting  machines the knitting process has to be performed or carried out with the minimum shooting.
    At this point, THE SINKER WITH SPRING and THE STITCH PRESSERS MECHANISM are undertaking this task accordingly.
The stitch pressers are being placed on the front and the back side of the needle bed and they are constantly pushing  down the knitted part accordingly , so, a high quality  production is being done respectively.
To reduce the amount of waste during knitting process- this is among the stitch pressers and the stitch pressers mechanisms  duties-to reduce the amount of waste during the knitting process accordingly.
   Stitch Pressers are being named and coded with the following code numbers respectively as follows: KCC1083 3G, KCC0906 5G , KCC1729 7G , KCC1731 10G, KCC1732 12G , KCC 1732 12G , NAC 0103 , NAC 0086 , NSS 0052 , NLC 0068 , NAC 0108 , NAC 0513 , NAC 0515 , KCC 0215 7G FF, KCC 0219 10G FF, FF 12G 0221 KCC KCC 0223 , 0214 KCC KCC 0218 , 0220 KCC KCC 0222 , NSS 0048 , 205031 , 232433 , 227821 , 227716 , 200695 , 200696 , 200697 , 200698 , 212 610, 212611 , 212943 , 213055 , 213056 , 256392 , 256397.