Nit Knitting, is celebrating its 20th year at ITMA


Nit Knitting known in the textile industry with its “Our Solution Partner” slogan compares the success it has attained with that of the growing process of bamboo trees. The growth process of bamboo trees depends on the sufficient level of strength attained by its roots during long years in the soil. And when they are ready the trees extend none stop towards the sky. Nit Knitting’s success in becoming a global brand is just not mere coincidence, just like the growth of bamboo trees cited above, it has grown speedily in the textile industry market thanks to the knowledge and experience attained during long years. Textile manufacturers across the globe take into account numerous factors with a view to increasing their competitive powers and saving on time. The foremost of the said factors include quality, price, efficiency, easy access and after sales support. Nit Knitting, by providing its full support to the textile manufacturers in all of these subjects has virtually become a fault corrector hospital in this industry so to speak. However, at this hospital no consultation fees are charged and your machines are delivered to you at affordable prices and good quality conditions after having been subjected to the required correct technical examinations.
Nit Knitting brand represents good quality and reliability worldwide, the fact that when one makes reference to plain knitting machines this is one of the firms that first comes to mind, this is due to its successful branding policies together with quality products and services provided. Nit Knitting is on its way with firm steps forwards in order to reach to the highest level of the market share all over the world, for this it give paramount importance to ‘Promotion and Marketing’ activities. Within this framework countdown has begun for the ITMA 2015 Exhibition due to be held between the date 12-19 of November in the city of Milano in Italy, where the giant firms of the textile industry shall get together. Nit Knitting is looking forward to exhibiting its wide range of products to the participators and visitors of ITMA 2015 Exhibition, namely spare parts for plain knitting machines, namely, brushes, steel items, roll rubbers, as well as latest technology alternative servo and motor drivers made possible thanks to its R&D supported continuous development policy for Plain Knitting Machines, a manufacturing capacity that grows with each passing day, apart from the aforementioned it shall also offer electronic solutions and new p roducts a s w ell. N it K itting s hall m eet w ith customers who use and sell the Nit Knitting products while showcasing its products at ITMA 2015 Exhibition, while at the same time it shall have the opportunity to meet with potential buyers as well. Nit Knitting is decisive and persistent in terms of becoming the leading spare parts producers of textile machines worldwide and continuing with firm steps towards achieving this goal, we extend our best wishes to Nit Knitting in this journey.